Weisen Shen's Service Highlights

Weisen Shen (weisen.shen@colorado.edu)
Ph.D., Geophysics, University of Colorado Boulder
Postdoc Research Associate, Center for Imaging the Earth's Interior, Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder

Since 2011, I have provided services to the seismology community from different aspects. These services include: giving invited presentations in conferences, departmental colloquium, and community webinars; providing reviews to scientific journals; publishing research papers and drafting research reports. Statistical numbers of these services are provided below.

Year Invited Conference Talks Departmental Seminars Reviews for Research Journals Publications Citations
2010 1 (AGU Fall Meeting) 0 0 0 0
2011 0 2 (CU Boulder; U of Wyoming) 1 (1 for BSSA) 2 4
2012 0 3 (UC Berkeley; IRIS Webinar; CAS-Wuhan) 1 (1 for JGR) 3 49
2013 3 (AGU Fall Meeting; GSA Annual Conference; OBSIP Workshop) 0 5 (2 for GJI; 1 for JAES; 1 for Tectonophysics; 1 for Tera Nova) 4 108
2014 2 (OBSIP workshop; TIM Meeting) 0 13 (1 for BSSA; 2 for EPSL; 6 for GJI; 1 for GRL; 2 for JGR; 1 for PEPI) 1 124