Useful Links

Weisen Shen (
Ph.D. candidate, Geophysics

Michael Ritzwoller's Homepage

This website contains the full publication list of Pro. Michael Ritzwoller, and also the 3-D models constructed by CU Boulder gephysics group in department of physics.

Yingjie Yang's Homepage

On papers of 2 plane wave tomogrpahy (2PWT) and ambient noise tomography (ANT) for WUS, Europe, and Tibet.

Fan-Chi Lin's Homepage

On eikonal tomography, Helmholtz tomography, and body wave phases stacked from ambient noise cross-correlations.


1-D code that computes computes synthetic seismograms in a spherically symmetric non-rotating Earth by summing normal modes.

Chuck Ammon's Receiver Function website

Everything you need to know about receiver functions.

CUB global model

A good reference model to start with.

IRIS SeismiQuery



The biggest science project, ever.

Tectonics of W. US

A website constructed by students from Pro. Craig Jones’ class.

Secret Garden

Nothing more than a test