Useful LinksWeisen Shen ( Michael Ritzwoller's HomepageThis website contains the full publication list of Pro. Michael Ritzwoller, and also the 3-D models constructed by CU Boulder gephysics group in department of physics. Yingjie Yang's HomepageOn papers of 2 plane wave tomogrpahy (2PWT) and ambient noise tomography (ANT) for WUS, Europe, and Tibet. Fan-Chi Lin's HomepageOn eikonal tomography, Helmholtz tomography, and body wave phases stacked from ambient noise cross-correlations. MINEOS1-D code that computes computes synthetic seismograms in a spherically symmetric non-rotating Earth by summing normal modes. Chuck Ammon's Receiver Function websiteEverything you need to know about receiver functions. CUB global modelA good reference model to start with. IRIS SeismiQueryGoldmining. EarthscopeThe biggest science project, ever. Tectonics of W. USA website constructed by students from Pro. Craig Jones’ class. Secret GardenNothing more than a test |