Here is all the code (I think). I type makegfs to get gfslib.a (includes gfs.f, usr.f, disk2.c) type makescr to get scrlib.a (includes scr1.f) type makeleo to get leolib.a (includes ftoc.c leodraw.c leoinp.c leolib.c leolib.col leotext.c rotate.c rotate.h psscreendump.f) type makecurse to get curse (includes curse.f and all of above) other code: gtail.f and ghead.f are eqivs of tail and head for gfs files (they need gfslib.a to work) iutil.f is a utility program for manipulating gfs files -- this is made in the same way as curse -- type 'h' to get help! Guy PS -- you wil need to set the location of openwindows in your .cshrc file (OPENWINHOME) so that the X libraries can be found, e.g. setenv OPENWINHOME /usr/X11R6 -- this assumes you have installed X11 -- I got mine from the fink web site -- also you need to install the Developer tools to get gcc and you can get g77 from fink