Group Velocity Maps ------------------- The group velocity files each end with a ".1". Contents are defined by the name; for example, RG_100.1 -- is the 100 sec Rayleigh wave group velocity file, LG_20.1 -- is the 20 sec Love wave group velocity file. Each line if formatted: lon lat value (gr vel in km/sec) Grid is 1x1 degree minus the poles. Tomography was performed with the Diffraction Tomographic method described by: Ritzwoller, M.H., N.M. Shapiro, M.P. Barmin, and A.L. Levshin, Global surface wave diffraction tomography, J. Geophys. Res., 107(B12), 2335, 2002. Data processing method was described by: Ritzwoller, M.H. and A.L. Levshin, Eurasian surface wave tomography: Group velocities, J. Geophys. Res., 103, 4839 - 4878 1998.